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Connectors and Interfaces


DC Bus Input

Input connector for DC bus power. Nominal 72V, but can operate anywhere in between limits defined in JCS Standard Voltages.


Connector type PCB solder pads, with M3 holes / AMASS XT30F

Pins Description

Pin Signal Description
1 +VDC DC bus power input
2 GNDV DC bus power return


No reverse polarity protection is implemented on the high power connectors.


Motor may act as a generator and energy may be produced at these pins. The source supplying these pins must account for this.


Device has an 85V TVS diode across the power bus input.


This connection is NOT hot pluggable. Ensure the system is powered down before removing or plugging in.

3 Phase Motor Interface


Connector type PCB solder pads, with M3 holes

Pins Description

Pin Signal Description
1 A Motor phase A connection
2 B Motor phase B connection
3 C Motor phase C connection


This connection is NOT hot pluggable. Ensure the system is powered down before removing or plugging in.

12V Supply Interface


Connector type Molex PicoClasp 4 Pins
Mating part number 5019390400

Pins Description

picoclasp 4 pin pinout

Pin Signal Description
1 +12V +11V minimum, +13V maximum
2 +12V


This connection is required. The device does not generate internal 12V from the DC Bus input.


This connection is NOT hot pluggable. Ensure the system is powered down before removing or plugging in.

JCS Network Interface

One network input connector and one network output connector. Interface is galvanically isolated. Power to the isolated side of the network is derived from the host device, eg a joint controller.


If this device is the last in a network chain the output must have the loop back connector installed.


This connection is NOT hot pluggable. Ensure the system is powered down before removing or plugging in.


Connector type Molex PicoClasp 6 Pins
Mating part number 5013300600

Wiring Diagram

picoclasp 6 pin JCS net pinout


This connection is NOT hot pluggable. Ensure the system is powered down before removing or plugging in.

Analog Channel Interface


Input Single ended, ESD protected
Input voltage range 0V - 3.3V
Resolution 12 bits, 0.806mV / ADC count
Input filter 1st order, -3db 30kHz


Connector type Molex PicoClasp 3 pins
Mating part number 5013300300

Pins Description

picoclasp 3 pin pinout

Pin Signal Description
1 +3V3 3.3V out
2 GND Analog return
3 AN_IN Analog signal in


This connection is NOT hot pluggable. Ensure the system is powered down before removing or plugging in.

Encoder Interface

Encoder interface supports either differential or single-ended quadrature, SPI/SSI or UART based encoders.


Connector type Molex PicoClasp 8 pins
Mating part number 5013300800

Pins Description

picoclasp 8 pin pinout

Pin Signal Description
1 +5V 5V out
2 GND Ground
3 A+ / DTA+ / RX+ Differential incremental encoder A+ input
Single ended incremental encoder A input
Differential SPI / SSI data+ input
Single ended SPI / SSI data input
Differential UART RX+ input
Single ended UART RX data input
4 A- / DTA- / RX- Differential incremental encoder A- input
Differential SPI / SSI data- input
Differential UART RX- input
Leave floating for single ended
5 B+ / CLK+ / TX+ Differential incremental encoder B+ input
Single ended incremental encoder B input
Differential SPI / SSI clock+ output
Single ended SPI / SSI clock output
Differential UART TX+ output
Single ended UART TX data output
6 B- / CLK- / TX- Differential incremental encoder B- input
Differential SPI / SSI clock- output
Differential UART TX- output
Leave floating for single ended
7 IDX+ / CS+ Differential incremental encoder index+ input
Single ended incremental encoder index input
Differential SPI / SSI chip_select+ output
Single ended SPI / SSI chip_select output
8 IDX- / CS- Differential incremental encoder index- input
Differential SPI / SSI chip_select- output
Leave floating for single ended


This connection is NOT hot pluggable. Ensure the system is powered down before removing or plugging in.